Air Quality: Science for Solutions

9th Annual Conference: Thursday, March 27, 2025 at Utah State University

(Remote option available for oral sessions)

Important Dates

Abstract deadline: February 14

Early registration deadline: March 18

Conference Program

(Preliminary schedule, subject to change)
9:00 AM
Welcome (Randy)
9:10 AM
Session 1: Health Impacts and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Jaron)
DAQ update: how S4S projects have impacted policy
Ryan Bares
Linking Air Pollution Mixtures and Health Outcomes With Machine Learning
Brenna Kelly
Particles of Truth: Reflections on Utah Health and Air Pollution Studies
Arden Pope
Characterizing Basin Scale GHG Emissions in Northern Utah Using Sun Tracking Spectrometers
Aaron Meyer
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
Session 2: Summertime Ozone
Initial Findings from the 2024 Utah Summer Ozone Study (USOS)
Carrie Womack
Chemical Drivers of Ozone and Particulate Matter Concentrations During the Utah Summer Ozone Study
Demetrios Pagonis
Summertime Ozone Sensitivity to Biogenic VOCs in Utah
Lexie Wilson
11:50 AM
Lunch & Posters
1:20 PM
Session 3: Ozone and Ozone Precursors
Assessing Global Background Ozone Transport Pathways to the Northern Wasatch Front
Chris Emery
Insights from an Extreme Value Theory Analysis of Gasoline Vehicle High Emitter Trends
Matti Maricq
Clyfar: an unorthodox solution to unreliable Uinta Basin ozone forecasts
John Lawson
2:20 PM
2:40 PM
Session 4: Particulate Matter
Long-term trends in sources of PM2.5 along the Wasatch Front
Kamaljeet Kaur
Advancing air quality forecasting in Utah with an emphasis on wildfire smoke
Derek Malia
Redefining Dust: Unexpected Long-Range Transport of Coarse Dust Aerosols
Tim Berk
What We Know and Don't Know About Great Salt Lake Dust
Kevin Perry
4:00 PM
Poster awards & adjourn