Air Quality: Science for Solutions

 The conference will be LIVE at UDAQ this year (a streaming option will be available).

COVID Requirements will be the current recommendations from the Health Department.

7th Annual conference: Thursday, March 30, 2023
Registration deadline: March 20, 2023. Abstract deadline: February 27, 2023.
Conference Schedule

You can download the 2023 Conference Flyer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where do I park? (See map below the answers.)
A: The Multi-Agency State Office Building (MASOB) has a reasonable sized parking lot with more parking nearby. There is even an EV charging station there.

The location is: 195 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84116

Q: How do I get there?
A: Since this is an air quality conference, we'd love for you to take mass transit. Take the FrontRunner to North Temple Station then take Trax Greenline westward to the "1940 West, North Temple" station. UDAQ is located about two blocks to the north-northwest.

Q: What's up for lunch?
A: Everyone who registers will get a box lunch to enjoy while looking at the posters. We will have a mix of lunch types, including vegetarian. Please try to be flexible with your choice of meals as we are just guessing at the selection quantity breakdowns.

Q: Why are Zoom registrations required to pay a registration fee?
A: It is twenty bucks. At such a low amount it is too much work for the small organizing committee to deal with the additional workload of separating out different registration levels. Adding the Zoom option is already additional workload. It is a face-to-face conference that is adhering to all CDC and local health requirements. We do strongly encourage the use of masks by everyone. We believe that this will be a safe environment and we encourage you to attend in person. We'll have a name tag for you and look forward to seeing you.

Q: Are masks required?
A: Short answer is "no." We will follow the Health Department requirements at the time. As none of us knows the health status of the person sitting next to you, we feel that the polite and responsible thing to do is wear a mask. If you are experiencing COVID or any respiratory symptoms, please use the Zoom link that will be sent to all registered participants just before the conference starts.

Q: When will we get the Zoom link?
A: All registered participants will get the Zoom link via email just prior to the start of the conference. Since everyone is required to pay a registration fee, we ask that you don't share this link with others. Thank you.